Pet Limo is esteemed as CDC’s Miami Quarantine Facility for pets traveling without a CDC Import Permit from any high-risk rabies country. This CDC Reservation Program is for dog(s) being imported arriving in Miami International Airport ONLY! The CDC requires dogs from this list of restricted countries, to undergo an examination and the administration of the US rabies vaccine upon arrival in Miami, by a certified USDA Licensed veterinarian.
Additional information regarding import requirements can be found on the CDC website.
We appreciate your patience; due to the high volume of reservation requests, replies may take us till the next business day. We are attending to the requests in order of receipt. To ensure a smooth processing of your CDC quarantine reservation request, please make sure to fill out the Pet Reservation Intake Form below.
Main Phone Number:
(305) 559-7304
Open 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
Boarding Facility:
(305) 274-3267
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: closed
*All check in/check out by appointment
Quarantine Department: (305) 889-8908
Quarantine Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday/Sunday: closed
**Please do not call the main Miami Pet Limo phone line regarding any quarantine information**
Miami, FL